Brand Place launches new courses
At Brand we are excited to announce our new courses for in regional and local markets.
Brand Place Pty Ltd is now an agent for the Imperial College of Trades an internationally accredited organisation (VET 40287 CRICOS 03039E)
Please note in many cases new grants and student discounts apply for local students for the inaugural launch into the local Australian student market. Potential additional benefits in regional Australia announced by the Abbott government recent weeks.
Some applicants. with prior work experience may be able to get a substantial amount of their course accredited by recognition of prior learning (RPL) Costs will be adjusted accordingly
Courses may even be able to be added to your schooling
New Courses Include Click arrow for full breakdown of courses
Horticulture Courses
Cert III in Horticulture
Cert III in Production
Cert IV in Horticulture
Diploma of Horticulture
Advanced Diploma of Horticulture
Agribusiness Courses
Diploma of Agribusiness Management
Advanced Diploma of Agribusiness Management
Marketing Courses
Diploma of Marketing
Advanced Diploma of Marketing
Brand Place offers the Brand You Course